Thursday, November 5, 2009

An Unhealthy Diet

One product that has producers that are making questionable health claims with their ads is Kellogg’s Special K. With its new media campaign, Kellogg is starting to advertise that by eating their product a person can lose at least six pounds in just two weeks. In this ad, it is advertised that by taking a certain Kellogg’s Special K “challenge” it is easy to lose those six pounds. They give instructions for how to follow through with the “challenge”.

These instructions insist on eating two Special K meals a day in replace for two of your usual meals during the day and eat your usual third meal the way you always do. That’s it. They advertise that that is all you have to do to lose six pounds in two weeks. I have a hard time believing that that is all there is to it or else the U.S wouldn’t have a huge obesity problem. I imagine that maybe with a healthy constructed workout program that supplements the Special K diet it would be possible to lose those six pounds, but losing so much weight at such a fast pace can be unhealthy for the body.

If I were someone who was trying to lose weight, I would definitely not go about doing it the way Kellogg says a person should. The advertisement is just misleading to begin with and therefore, I just wouldn’t trust it. I would trust the basics if I were planning on losing weight. People aren’t stupid, and I believe that if someone is trying to lose weight then they know what foods are acceptable and unacceptable to put into their bodies. It isn’t hard. With a healthy workout program that someone sticks too and a healthy diet, anyone can lose weight; The Kellogg challenge is unnecessary.

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