Friday, December 4, 2009

Celebrity Endorsement

One endorsement that I have taken notice to when I watch the television is Jessica Simpson’s endorsement of Proactive. Proactive is a lotion that you can run on your skin to help prevent and clear away acne. Simpson has endorsed this product and talks about her own personal experience with the product. She talks about how at one time she had outbreaks all over her face that made her feel uncomfortable and self-conscious in her body. She tells about her story and how she came about finding Proactive. She supports that product in saying that it cleared up her skin and also, still helps her maintain her smooth clean skin today.

I believe that Jessica Simpson is an appropriate choice for a person who can endorse this product. She is a well-known name, and she has used that product so she has personal experience with it. I mean, it’s known that she has great skin and she attributes it to Proactive. Obviously, Jessica Simpson doesn’t know the “ins” and “outs” of Proactive and how it works, but she has seen the results and can testify for how well it works.

I think the endorsement will have the desired outcome that it is looking for. Jessica Simpson is a very popular figure who has had experience with the product. There are a ton of people out there, especially young girls, who look at Jessica Simpson and want to look the way she does. They would love to try the product if it is working for a Jessica Simpson and the results are clear. Simpson has a wide fan base and having her endorse this product will have a positive influence on Proactive.

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